Hospital & Facilities

Instruments and equipments

Instruments and equipments in hospital

1. Instruments and Equipments for OPD

SI.NO Equipments,Instruments,Furniture *Count/Avalilability of Instruments/Equipments
1 X-Ray View Box 1
2 BP Apparatus 2
3 Stethoscope Available
4 Examination Table 1
5 Thermometer 4
6 Tongue depressor 5
7 Torch 2
8 Gloves Available
9 Measuring tape 1
10 Weight and height measuring stand 1
11 Knee Hammer 2
12 Washbasin Available
Shalya Tantra
SI.NO Equipments,Instruments,Furniture *Count/Availiability of Instruments /Equipment’s
1 Hand washing facility Available
2 Drainage facility Available
3 Minor OT Available
4 Instruments for anorectal examination 2
5 Examination Table. 1
6 BP Apparatus 2
7 Thermometer 4
8 Surgical Blades Available
9 Cotton balls Available
10 Gauze pieces Available
11 X-Ray Viewing Box 2
12 Stethoscope Available
13 Cheetle’s forceps Available
14 Torch. 2
Shalakya Tantra
SI.NO Equipments,Instruments,Furniture *Count/Availiability of Instruments /Equipment’s
1 Tuning forks Available
2 Ophthalmoscope/ fundoscope 2
3 Auroscope 2
4 Examination Table 2
5 X-Ray Viewing Box 2
6 BP Apparatus 2
7 Stethoscope Available
8 Thermometer 6
9 ENT kit Available
10 Torch. 4
11 Bull’s lamp 1
Prasuti Tantra & Stri roga
SI.NO Equipments,Instruments,Furniture *Count/Availiability of Instruments /Equipment’s
1 Weighing machine 2
2 Sim’s speculum 2
3 Thermometer 4
4 Cusco’s speculum 2
5 Examination Table. 1
6 Lamp stand 1
7 Torch. 2
8 X-Ray Viewing Box 1
9 BP Apparatus 2
10 Stethoscope Available
11 Measuring tape 2
12 Washbasin Available
Bal Roga
SI.NO Equipments,Instruments,Furniture *Count/Availiability of Instruments /Equipment’s
    1 Scale 1
2 Weighing machine 1
3 Torch. 2
4 View Box 1
5 Thermometer 4
6 BP Apparatus 2
7 Stethoscope Available
8 Examination Table 1
SI.NO Equipments,Instruments,Furniture *Count/Availiability of Instruments /Equipment’s
1 X-Ray View Box 1
2 BP Apparatus 2
3 Stethoscope Available
4 Examination Table. 1
5 Thermometer 4
6 Tongue depressor S
7 Cotton balls Available
8 Torch. 2
9 Measuring tape 1
10 Weight and height measuring stand 1
11 Knee Hammer 2
12 Washbasin Available
Yoga Section (Swas-tha Rakhshan)

Yoga Section (Swas-tha Rakhshan)

SI.NO Reagents/Liquids/Others *Availability
1 Facilities available (Equipment, Instrument, Furniture etc) Available
SI.NO Reagents/Liquids/Others *Availability
1 Facilities available (Equipment, Instrument, Furniture etc) Available
2. Instruments and Equipments for LABOUR ROOM
SI.NO Equipment’s, Instruments, Furniture *Count/Availability of Instruments/Equipment’s
1 Shadowless Lamp 2
2 Suction Machine (Neonatal) 2
3 Oxygen Cylinder  and Mask 1
4 Foetal Toco Cardiograph 1
5 Radient Warmer 1
6 Phototherapy Unit 1
7 Weighing Machine (Paediatric) 2
8 Patient trolley 1
9 Anaesthesia trolley 1
10 Infantometer 1
11 Vacuum extractor 1
12 Foetal Doppler 1
13 Low cavity forceps 2
14 Steriliser 2
15 Macintosh rubber sheet Available
16 Catguts and Thread Available
17 Speculum – Sim’s 5
18 Instruments for labour ard Episiotomy (Scissors, forceps, needle, holder etc) Available
19 Baby tray 2
20 Draw Sheets 1
22 HIV kit for emergency patients Available
23 Plain and Hole towels Available
24 Gloves Available
25 Nebuliser 1
26 Foetoscope 5
27 Autoclave 1
28 Drums Available
29 Instrumental Trolley Available
30 OT tables with head up and head low facility 1
31 Double dome Shadowless lamp 1
32 Pulse Oxymeter 1
33 Oxygen Cylinder 1
34 Resuscitation kit 1
35 Boyle’s apparatus 1
36 Electrocautery 1
37 MTP Suction Machine 1
38 Anaesthesia Kit 1
39 Blunt and Sharp Curettes 10
40 Dilators set (Hegar’s. Hawkins) 5
41 Sims Speculum 5
42 Anterior Vaginal Wall retractor 5
43 Cysco’s Speculum 5
44 Uterine sound 6
45 Voisellum 10
46 MTP Suction Curette 5
47 Needles Available
43 Needle holders Available
49 Sponge holding forceps 10
50 Towel Clips Available
51 Retractors abdominal (Doyne’s etc.) 5
52 Green armytage forceps 5
53 Uterus holding forceps 5
54 Kocher’s forceps 5
55 Artery forceps (Long short. Mosquito) 18
56 Scissors- different sizes 13
57 Forceps obstetrics 5
58 Tongue depressor 2
59 Endotracheal tubes 5
60 B.P. apparatus 2
61 MSG Cannula 2
62 Cord Cutting appliances 5
63 I.U.C.D. removing hook 5
64 Bladder Sound 5
3. Instruments and Equipments for Operation Theatre


SI.NO Essential Equipment’s and Instruments *Count/Availability of Instruments /Equipment’s
1 Spot light (Shadowless ceiling fitted) 1
2 Needle holding Forceps (big- medium-small) Available
3 Dressing drums of Assorted size Available
4 Drum stand Available
5 IV Stand 3
6 X-ray View Box (double) 1
7 Surgeon’s gawn 2
8 Mask and caps 150
9 Gauze, cotton and bandage 25
10 Gloves of different size 200
11 Cheetles Forceps 3
12 Towel Clips 2
13 Mosquito forceps 3
14 Scissors straight (Tailor) 1
15 Scissors curved of different sizes 8
16 Stich removal scissors 5
17 Dissection forceps 6
18 Sinus Forceps 4
19 Probes – Assorted size 2
20 Pointed scissors 2
21 Gastric and Intestinal clamps (occlusive and crushing) 2
22 Abdominal Retractors 3
23 Tissue Forceps S
24 Bob Kock’s Forceps s
25 Kocher’s Forceps 4
26 Urethral Dilators 3
27 Rubber catheters of Assorted size Available
28 Metal Cathetors 3
29 Corrugatedrubber dram Available
30 Suturing Needle (straight/curved) of Assorted size Available
31 Surgical Thread Available
32 Sponge holding forceps 10
33 Right Angle cholecystectomy Forceps 2
34 Stone holding forceps 2
35 Allies Forceps small 8
36 Allies Forceps Big 4
37 Artery Forceps small s
38 Artery Forceps big 4
39 Artery Forceps Medium 3
40 Sigmoidoscope Rigid/flexible 1
41 Barron Pile’s Gun 1
42 Laryngoscope Pediatric/Adult 3
43 Boyles Apparatus 1
44 Multiparameter Monitor 1
45 Ambu Bag 1
46 Suction machine Electrical or Manual 1
47 Emergency power back up facility Available
48 Emergency light 1
49 Fire Extinguisher 1
5O Skin grafting knife with handle Available
51 Surgical blades of different size Available
52 BP Handle of different size Available
53 Vertical BP Instrument 1
54 Self-Retaining Retractor Available
55 Bone Drill Machine 1
56 Bone cutter 1
57 Giggly Saw 1
58 Scoop Available
59 Periasteum elevator 1
60 Maggler Forceps Available
61 High Pressure Autoclave 1
62 Fumigator 1
63 Refrigerator 1
64 Nitrous Oxide Cylinder 1
65 Hydrolic Operation Table 1
66 Shadow less lamp ceiling 1
67 Boyle’s Apparatus 1
68 Instrument Trolley Available
69 Endotracheal Tube Available
70 Proctoscope with or without illumination 4
71 Revolving Stool Available
72 Gabrial Syringe 1
73 Strecher with trolley 1
74 Mosquito forceps 2
75 Needle holder Available
76 BP Apparatus Available
77 Suction Machine Available
Shalakya: Ophthalmic Equipment or Instruments for Operative Surgery
SI.NO Essential Equipment’s and Instruments *Count/Availability of Instruments /Equipment’s
1 Ophthalmic Operation table with Head rest 1
2 Sterilizing box/case with matts Available
3 Lens insertion Forceps Available
4 Keratome Available
5 Desmarres lid retractors Available
6 Cat-paw lacrimal retractor Available
7 Mueller lacrimal sac retractor Available
8 Dastoor iris retractor Available
9 MeyrhoeferChalazioncurrete Available
10 Sinsky lens manipulating hook Available
11 IOL Manipulator Available
12 Foreign body spud Available
13 Lewis lens loop (vectis) Available
14 Cystotome and spoon Available
15 Mule Evisceration spoon Available
16 Iris repository (double-ended) Available
17 Jameson muscle hook Available
18 Wills cautery with copper boll-point Available
19 Langs lacrimal sac dissector Available
20 Kelly Glaucoma punch Available
21 Elevator (double ended) Available
22 Nasal speculum adult/child Available
23 Wilder punctum Dilator Available
24 Bowman lacrimal probes Available
25 Towel clamp Available
26 Hartman mosquito forceps Available
27 Colibri forceps 1 *2 teech Available
28 Mc. person corneal forceps with tying platform Available
29 Dressing forceps, serrated Available
30 Moorfieldconjuctival forceps Available
31 Fixation forceps Available
32 Beer cilea (epilation) forceps Available
33 Arruga capsular forceps Available
34 SnellenEntropion clamp Available
35 Chalazion clamps Available
36 Vannas straight scissors Available
37 Barraquer needle holder Available
38 Air injection cannula Available
39 Healon aspirating cannula Available
40 AC was cannula Available
41 Lacrimal cannula Available
42 Hydrodialysis cannula Available
43 J-loop cannula (Right/Left With silicon tubing) Available
44 Simcok direct l/A cannula with silicon tubing Available
45 Irrigating aspirating handle Available
46 Lens dialer Available
47 Superior Rectus forceps Available
48 Eye wash glasses (for Tarpana Karma) Available
49 Swimming Goggles (for Tarpana Karma) Available
Shalakya-ENT-Surgical or Operative Procedural Instruments
SI.NO Essential Equipment’s and Instruments *Count/Availability of Instruments /Equipment’s
1 Aural Syringe Available
2 Jobson’s Aural Probe Available
3 Eustachian Catheter Available
4 Mastoid Retractor Available
5 Mastoid Gouge Available
6 Mallet Available
7 Nasal Foreign Body hook Available
8 Nasal packing forceps Available
9 Nasal Snare Available
10 Bayonet Shaped gouge Available
11 Walshman’s forceps Available
12 Laryngeal forceps Available
13 Tongue plate with throat suction Available
14 Tonsil holding forceps Available
15 Tonsillar suction Available
16 Adenoid curette with cage Available
17 Peritonsillarabcess draining forceps Available
18 Fuller’s Tracheostomy Tube Available
19 Cheatel’s Forceps Available

Manpower, Infrastructure and other facilities

  • 45 Post Graduate Doctors.
  • Qualified Medical Officers and well trained Para Medical staff on round the clock duty.
  • Classical Ayurveda medicines manufactured in Mannam Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals with State of the Art technology and authentic ancient Literature support.
  • Procedures for Wellness and Curative treatments done, ensuring perfect hygiene and privacy.
  • Prescribed diets for patients and good quality food for By-standers provided at reasonable price.
  • Pure drinking water and Hot water for bath ensured round the clock
  • Neat and Tidy A/c and Non A/c rooms and Lush Green surroundings
  • Fresh Linen provided on a day-to-day basis.
  • Excellent ambience providing peace of mind and a healing touch.

Our Strengths

  • Specialized Doctors
  • Well trained Therapists & Masseurs
  • Nursing with maximum care
  • Quality Medicines
  • A/c and Non A/c Rooms
  • 125 acre campus
  • Superb ambience

Accomodation & facilities

To make your stay comfortable, we provide different kinds of rooms based on your need. All the rooms are equipped with everything necessary to make you comfortable including Room services for food and laundry.

  • Patient should be accompanied with one Bystander, in absence of it a special consent is required.
  • Personilized care by Nurses and clinical staffs.
  • Complete privacy and confidentiality of patient records.
  • A detailed Prescription with discharge summary; Diet chart will be given at the time of discharge.
  • After discharge, Patient can have remote consultation with our Doctors through email and phone calls.


A/C Rooms, Ordinary rooms/Standard Rooms & General wards also are available.

Information Desk

Our staff will answer your querries and assist you, ensuring your visit smooth and fruitful.

Patient Relation

Our public relation staff member is available throughout the week between 8am – 5 pm to address every patient’s concerns and issues. You can share your experiences, get assistance. We ensure that patient’s needs and priorities are respected.

Visiting Hours

Visitors play an important role in the healing process. Visiting hours is between 12 – 2.30 pm. You can enquire in front office about the details of stay to visit the patient.

If you are sick and suffering from flu, cough, fever & chills, sore throat, please avoid visiting the patients during such condition.

Kindly avoid outside food for the patient during the visit.

Lab Services

We provide complete laboratory services for patients in our hospital. Tests are conducted based on clinical conditions. We request all patients to bring the complete Medical reports before admission.


Patients can borrow books, magazines from hospital library.

Physiotherapy and Yoga

Services for physiotherapy and yoga are available in hospital, and can have them as per the advise of consulting physician.

Wheel chair services

Special care is given for vulnerable patients. Our hospital is committed to needs of people with disabilities and offer services to accommodate special needs. Parking services for persons who have difficulty in walking are available at all major entrances to the hospital. Wheel chair support services are made available to patients requiring the same.


Our pharmacy works throughout the week, medicines can be purchased or can be requested to be sent by courier to respective places as per the patient’s requirements.

Canteen Services

We provide simple vegetarian diet conducive to the patients admitted in our hospital. Fruits/Green Salads can be provided as per request.


Laundry services are available in hospital premises, we provide services for bystander’s clothes too.

Billing & Insurance

All the required documents are issued on request. You can discuss with Doctors & Customer Relations assistant with regard to certificates viz. Medical certificate, Admission& Discharge certificate, Fitness certificate, Certificate to Claim Medical Insurance/Reimbursements etc.

Period of stay and details of the treatment queries can be discussed with Doctors.


Any assistance in booking for railways and Air is provided as per request. Vehicle will be arranged, on request to reach the hospital by road from nearest railway station/ Airport.